
SAdENESS Software Ordering Details

Payment Methods


- You can either:

Send a cheque or postal order.(in pounds sterling to the address below) if ordering by post.
Please Note: if sending credit card orders by post, please include signature.
Email your order through to us, making sure you include your Card Number, Card Expiry Date, full name and address of card holder and what products you wish to purchase. Simply fill out order form below, and hit send.
Phone in your order (number below) with your card details.
Use the ON-Line Order Form Below.

Postage Rates

United Kingdom

Please add �1.00 per Software / CD title.

Please add �5.00 for Hardware items under �100.00.

Please add �8.00 for Speakers, Zip Drives, CDRom Drives & Hard Drives.

Please add �9.00 (Courier) on all Phase 5 products.

Next day Courier delivery (on request) is �9.00 on all items.

SAdENESS Software Order Form

PLEASE NOTE: Please make all payments in UK Pounds Sterling.

 Please fill in your details below:


         Full address: 

       E-mail address: 


   Credit Card Number: 

  Credit Card Expirey: 

Please send me the following products:

  Product Title 1: 
  Product Title 2: 
  Product Title 3: 
  Product Title 4: 
  Product Title 5: 
  Product Title 6: 
  Product Title 7: 
  Product Title 8: 
  Product Title 9: 

  Total value (in Pounds): 

  I wish to be placed on the SAdENESS Software mailing list:

  PLEASE NOTE: if you already receive mailshots from us, do NOT tick box.

   Place me on the Mailing list!
   Don't Place me on the Mailing list!

Is your order correct? If it is, please Click
to submit your order!

We will process your order as quickly as possible, and if there are any problems, we will email you. Thank you for your order!!

SAdENESS Software
13 Russell Terrace
NR11 8LJ

TEL: +44 (01263) 722169
Email: rich@sadeness.demon.co.uk

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� 1995/1996 SAdENESS Software.